loved to play in the grass of the nearby Methodist Church. She
liked to visit Heather's parents in Huntsville, Alabama and was incredibly
happy to spend a while playing in the tall clover in their front yard. The
grass -- taller than she was -- provided an interesting place for her
to burrow and explore and the great outdoors smelled a great deal more
interesting than our apartment to her.
also enjoyed the wide-open spaces of Charleston's lovely Waterfront
Park. She posed here with a piece of non-descript wood, which she was
quite content to climb upon. And as always, Heather and Chopper stood
nearby, keeping two sets of watchful eyes on her every move. Since
Waterfront Park attracts a lot of tourists and people walking their
dogs, Murray received a lot of attention from people who have never
seen a hedgehog before. She didn't seem to mind.
favorite outdoor place was the Methodist Church near our apartment,
which has wonderful gritty granite stairs which allowed her to climb
as well as wear down her nails. We were very thankful for this
extra bonus, since hedgehog nails are incredibly hard to trim! Of course,
a disclaimer: any hedgehog taken outdoors, or allowed indoor play time, must be
extremely well-supervised. They can get away from you quickly. I
can't stress this enough. Hedgehogs are nocturnal, burrowing
animals by nature and have a strong inclination to get themselves into
small, dark spaces. Any indoor space should be hedgehog-proofed
to the best of your ability.