Hedgehogs need to be supervised while outside their cage or terrarium. At some point, we would have loved to give Murray her own "room," but barring that, she played in her spacious pet corral or around the apartment, usually in the early evening under someone's watchful eye. We lined her pet corral with vellux blankets, which we purchased as seconds and cut into pieces that fit perfectly. They get thrown in the wash every couple of days and voila! clean corral.
She also enjoyed playing with toilet paper tubes, which seems to be almost a universal trait among hedgehogs. There have been warnings that some hedgehogs can get their heads caught in the tubes, but Murray didn't have that problem. I made a couple of tubes out of craft foam for her, since they look a little nicer and are soft, in case she bonked into a wall. She became very attached to the new tubes!
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