Murray attended a gathering in honor of our friend Jennifer's brave girl Norma, who has degenerative myelopathy, also called Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome (WHS). Murray dug into her snack with typical gusto, as well as the salmon left for Jennifer's other girl Skeezix. Skeezix (right, under hat) was certainly intrigued by the stranger who kept eating her food! Heather
built a little snowman with the dusting of snow that we received one
winter and Murray got to meet him, although she was not as enthusiastic
about the experience as we were. She had a very brief foray into
the strange winter wonderland and then returned to her nice, warm pet
corral and began tubing. Charleston
has a wonderful New Year's Celebration called First Night, which is
celebrated in many other cities across the U.S. We decided that
we would take Murray to enjoy a little outdoor culture, which included
a parade, an origami artist, and even a hot air balloon ride (although
it was tethered and only went up about forty feet). We suspect
-- but cannot confirm -- that Murray may be the first hedgehog to ride
in a hot air balloon. She was unbothered by the fireworks and
cannon fire at the opening ceremonies, although the same cannot be
said about the two of us. Murray competed in the Pet Costume contest held at the Lowcountry Pet Expo at Charles Towne Landing. Although she didn't win, we had a wonderful time showing off her ladybug costume and general good manners to an adoring public. We did have a lot of people dropping by the Lowcountry Hedgehog Society booth telling us that Murray had been robbed in the contest, though, and we were quite flattered at those compliments. Murray participated in the Blessing of the Animals service held annually in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. We went to Grace Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston and were surrounded by a host of creatures ranging from dogs and cats to parrots, frogs, and hamsters. Murray was the only hedgehog in attendance and a huge hit with the other pet lovers.
Hedgehogs and sports, you ask? Well, Murray at least went somewhat regularly to baseball games with us. Our local minor league team is the Charleston RiverDogs and they have a gorgeous new stadium right on the Ashley River, so we like to get out and take in a game, some fresh air, and perhaps a chili dog. Murray generally stayed in her hedgiebag although she did get out and roam around the stands sometimes. And yes, the management knew she came with us and was perfectly fine with it. We did try to keep a low profile around small children, though. |
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